Me Being Me!

A big part of ‘me being me’ is me being a Speech Pathologist. Finishing school (such a long time ago now!) my biggest desire was to find a course that would give me the qualifications and opportunity to help people and have a positive impact on other people’s lives. As someone who greatly values relationships and connection, the opportunity to become a Speech Pathologist and help people overcome communication barriers seemed like the perfect fit for me. I believe that being able to communicate is such a big part of how we form and maintain our social connections.


Another part of ‘me being me’ is that I am someone who loves problem solving and uncovering answers. My family and friends would probably say I have a more than a little fascination with understanding wellness, language, communication, and cognition. I guess the upside of this is that I feel drawn to understanding the complexities of the presentations I see at work and I am always super keen to be continuously learning and improving my practice.


On personal note, ‘me being me’ is also me being a Mum to my two beautiful girls (and a fur baby!). At 9 and 3 the girls have, and continue to, teach me so much that I could never have learnt in a lecture or book. They teach me about patience, understanding, thinking about things differently and the very important fun factor! I would not be the Speech Pathologist I am today without being a Mum and I hope that this comes through in the support and understanding I provide my families.


It is a privilege to go to work every day and share in the lives of my clients. I hope that I can impart my passion, joy and love and support everyone to be their best me.


A check in on Neurodiversity Affirming Language during Autism Awareness Month